A minimum of 2 members are required to apply for a gang.
Must maintain an active roster. Roster sheets will be provided by management.
Gangs can only have 1 leader.
Gangs can have a maximum of 5 members including the gang leader.
Gang leaders cannot be part of another gang, including on cousins.
Gangs are not permitted to establish affiliate, sister or sub gangs.
Gangs are prohibited from harassing, robbing, or killing other lilayers without valid in-game provocation. Violations will result in potential loss of whitelist and related assets.
Gang tags are prohibited from being placed inside buildings or businesses to prevent territorial disputes.
Businesses are open to the public and should be treated so, they do not belong to a gang and every civilian should have ease of access to a business.
Gang colors and insignia must be clearly defined to avoid confusion. Shooting based solely on clothing color/vehicle color is prohibited; interaction must precede any hostile action.
Gang-owned buildings and properties remain subject to state legislation and laws. Owners are responsible for all activities and contents within their property.
Initiation of a gang war must have a valid, RP-driven reason and be approved through the gang menu.
Turf Rules
Turf is defined as an area controlled by a gang with sprays.
Civilians should not be restricted from entering any turf, they can be pressed (selling things on gang turf, etc).
Civilians should not be forced out of an area if they are: driving through, completing a legal job.